Ambrosia for the Skin

The drink of the gods

March 26, 2016 | 0 Comments


Ambrosia is known as the food or drink of the gods. In Greek myths ambrosia was reserved only for the gods and goddesses. It was thought to bring long life and immortality to anyone who consumed it. It was often linked to nectar the other food of the Gods. Recent scholars believe perhaps it was fermented honey that was called ambrosia.

I try to make a large batch of tea in the morning and then sip throughout the day in a glass mason jar. This way I feel like when I’m on the run, I’m at least getting hydrated with the additional benefits of some sort of infusion like nettle or this one which is a combination of hibiscus and calendula. I sometimes add honey to sweeten the ambrosia or tea. Hibiscus tea has always had a special place in my heart since it’s associated with some of the Hindu goddess like Lakshmi and Kali. This beautiful pink or red flower is given in devotion to the goddess as offerings. I mix hibiscus with calendula to drink as a skin tonic or beautifying elixir. For an Easter gathering making a pitcher of this with some honey can be a lovely spring time addition to a table. I also use this recipe by Beatrice Valenzuela for a refreshing hibiscus fresca.

Here are the benefits of these natural wonders ~

Hibiscus used directly on the face as a toner:
Anti aging due to its ability to inhibit the activity of a enzyme called elastase which contributes to breaking down our skin’s elastin. So drinking hibiscus can help firm up the skin.

Hibiscus as a tea:
Full of vitamin C, anti inflammatory, soothing, lowers cholesterol, antioxidants.
Helps with fluid retention.

Calendula also known as marigold:
Calendula has a high amount of flavonoids that acts as an antioxidant in the body.
It reduces inflammation and helps with acne.
It is so wonderful to treat wounds as a cream or oil.
Collagen regeneration when used as a facial steam.
Immune boosting.

Making the Tea:
Simply steep the hibiscus and calendula leaves in hot water for an hour, As it is cooling add your favorite sweetener like raw honey, stevia, or coconut sugar. Stir until blended. Then allow to cool on it’s own or in the refrigerator. I try to grow and dry my own calendula but you can also purchase both at Mountain Rose Herbs.

(some of these tonics and herbs should be used with caution when pregnant since they can enhance certain hormones)


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