Flowers From Heaven with Leilani Bishop

July 17, 2013 | 0 Comments

Leilani Bishop

My girls and I recently returned from our annual trip to The Garden Isle. One of the highlights was spending some time with beautiful model, mother and environmental activist Leilani Bishop and her sweet family. Leilani means Flowers from Heaven in Hawaiian, and so how fitting that she has a beautiful fragrance line. Her line uses oil not alcohol (alcohol which tends to drying to the skin) and the flowers she uses Pikake, Lilac, and Orange Blossom are inspirations from growing up on Kauai and traveling to her favorite places around the world. On our visit we went to the land near where Leilani and her sister Laura grew up. The outdoor bathtub in the garden her sister created was perfect for any Hawaiian mermaid!

Leilani Bishop, Leilani Bishop Fragrances

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Leilani Bishop

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1) What inspired you to start your fragrance line?
It was born out of wanting to contribute to the world of fashion and beauty, a world in which I was grew up in as a young model. The fragrance line was the perfect opportunity to share with others a bit about me and to approach it in a way that I felt was missing from the fragrance market and that also truly represented me and my upbringing and expression.

2) Are parts of Kauai in your line?
The Pikake is my representation of Hawaii/ Kauai for sure. It is a flower that has gotten less exposure than Gardenia or Tuberose but is yet equally intoxicating.

3) You are known to be a natural beauty. What is your top beauty choice or secret?
HAHA..yes natural for sure, though I have enjoyed playing around with Make-up and clothes through out the years.
Though as I get older I realize the more Natural you are with your hair and makeup the younger you look which is a good tip within it self. Water eating well and sleep are on the top of the list, as well as sunscreen, moisturizer and light exfoliants. I am also a big fan of micro current facials, which send tiny jolts of electricity into your skin to awaken the cells.

4) What is your favorite meal?
Oh my I could never commit to just one meal! I love mexican, Italian and all good food. I have a go to meal of brown rice, steamed veggies and Black beans for those nights when I want to feel grounded and satisfied.

5) Are you a mermaid or forest fairy?
Both!! I guess if I had to choose I would choose the water..but my moments in the forest are like nothing anywhere else..the dappled sun..quiet alertness of all the living creatures you can not see, so much life.

6) Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
For now I would say living either on the east or west coast, owning a flourishing Fragrance company as well as having some of other ventures come into fruition, whilst traveling the world for work and play 🙂

7) What is your dream vacation?
Southern Italy or Nepal

8) What book is on your nightstand?
I have 3 at the moment:
Aleph -Paulo Coehlo
Lean In- Sheryl Sandberg
Abundance -Peter Diamandis

See more of The Local Rose’s favorite organic beauty products.


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