Hemingway Pickett

August 18, 2011 | 1 Comment

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”. This quote by an Arts and Crafts movement founder capsulizes the philosophy of this special Silverlake store. The items that range in hand crafted pottery, books, furniture items,  music, and photography are all hand picked by the owner Toby Hemingway. They come either from his hometown in Australia or locally. I bought a slice of wood that can be utilized as a great serving plate for cheese and bread.   

The ceiling, shelves and walls are all from reclaimed shipping pallets.
The Story:
Starting Over 
The quote above really resonates with me. I’ve heard it’s also an Asian aesthetic about only having items in your house that are useful. When I moved house due to a divorce over a year ago, I pretty much decided to take only a handful of items. I released the furniture, rugs, chachkis, towels, art work, most of the kitchen ware and clothes. What my ex husband did not take, I gave away.  I did hold on to photographs, books, some sheets, some Christmas ornaments,  and some vintage clothes. It was terrifying yet liberating at the same time. I felt as if I needed to shed my past in a physical way to help the internal process.  Strangely enough as a child I went through a similar process. At the age of ten my family and I escaped Iran and came to America. We left with one suitcase for the entire family, which my mother filled with photographs. I took one stuffed animal with me and the clothes on my back. Although my mother is American and I spoke English fluently, I felt like a discarded refugee. Now I can look back on those traumatic years and appreciate the lessons it taught me. That material objects will come and go. That family and friendships are the treasures of the heart as the Buddhists say . . . 


One comment

  1. Jayson Larson says:

    Beautiful said….nice to get some background. Thanks for sharing.

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