Mazzy Star . . . Still Burning Bright

November 20, 2011 | 2 Comments


Mazzy Star the local Santa Monica band featuring the vocals and lyrics of that beautiful Angeleno sprite Hope Sandoval finally have a new album out. I cannot stop listening to the haunting melody of ‘Common Burn’ and the B side to this album ‘Lay Myself Down’. You may remember their early 90’s hits ‘Fade into You’ and ‘Into The Dust’, and this new album is just as incredible. 



The Story:
One of the first live shows I ever saw was Mazzy Star. I must have been eighteen at the time and what I took from that show was how enigmatic Hope Sandoval was. She looked like a cross between Natassja Kinski and Audrey Hepburn.  She is extremely shy and so performing is a battle of opposite forces. When I saw her all those years ago, she was wearing a vintage frock that was frayed and she kept trying to hide her beautiful face behind her curtain of dark hair. That image stayed with me. In these times where people are doing whatever they can to achieve their 15 seconds (yes now it’s seconds) Hope still seems to be most concerned with being an artist first, and not so much a star. Recently I was offered a reality show and it was really tempting . . . the financial perk, the sense of ‘working’ for an entity other than myself, the idea of being able to blast my belief for food freedom into living rooms all over America . . . tempting for about 20 minutes. Then I realized the collateral damage that would ensue and how my life would not really belong to me any longer. Maybe someday a show purely based on this site could be produced, but until then I am happy reporting from my wood table overlooking the lush green trees of my wild garden while listening to Mazzy Star . . . 



  1. Josephine says:

    I shall look out for this band. They sound wonderful. Your descriptions are always so evocative.

  2. Alyssa says:

    New follower of your blog.. really enjoying every bit of it. As much as I would love to watch a show all about you, I am glad you decided against reality TV. You sound like the kind of person who wants to put the physical and emotional health or yourself and your family first, and I admire that!

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