Moon Baskets ~ Part 2 Joanne Daughter of Flowers

Connect Back to Nature and our Roots

September 30, 2014 | 0 Comments

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One of the best tips I learned from my visit with the lovely flower girl Joanne was making personal moon baskets to help with challenges and illuminations that occur during those days in the month. For my basket I collected a few items that I would take into a Red Tent if I had one near by. My moon basket items were some crystals for their energizing and clearing properties, a writing journal, some fresh fruit (organic papaya), one of my candles, some body oil, my favorite blend of medicinal herbal teas, and Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards.
What a lovely gift to give to a sister or even a young girl who is about to embark on this auspicious time. What would you put in your personal moon time basket? Lorene Wapotich who has started a Red Tent Collective talks a lot about how to make the moon time a scared experience to connect back to nature and our roots. “All women are connected by an invisible thread: the blood of our monthly cycles. We are linked to the moon and each other regardless of race, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, or age, because all women bleed, have bled, or will become women who bleed. We are woven together by our biology and we share many commonalities and struggles as women. As we celebrate ourselves and heal the perception of our collective and individual shame we claim our place as powerful leader and agents of change in the world.”

For more spiritual rituals and practices see The Local Rose.

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