The Wild Unknown

Tarot Cards from Kim Krans

January 14, 2015 | 0 Comments

wild unknown, tarot cards
I have a super power. You know what it is? It is tuning in to my intuition to decipher which path to take. If I can’t get complete clarity for a decision through my Kundalini practice, or a tea time meditation, then I turn to my cards. I have been using Osho Zen Tarot: The Transcendental Game Of Zen since my early twenties since they have wise teachings in each one, but now I have fallen for the exquisite deck painted by the incredible artist Kim Krans. The Wild Unknown cards are each beautiful works of wonder completely in tune with the world of magic and intuition. Her husband Johnny and her have taken her cards to the next level by creating T-shirts with the images and jewelry as well.

For more spiritual guidance, see The Local Rose.

For me sometimes, I like to just pull a card to finalize a decision or to set the tone for my day. The detailed imagery in this deck speak to my spirit; and even if I pull a challenging card, I know it is a metaphor for something I need to look at in my shadow self. I feel sometimes in this age of electronics, we need tools to inspire us to go inward and listen to what is trying to emerge from our inner worlds. At times it can even just be about sending my self a token of inspiration. Today I pulled a card that feels exactly where I am: Two of Pentacles that reflect balance and change.

You can purchase these entries to the wild unknown here at the shop. 

wild unknown, kim krans
kim krans


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