Beautifying Rosewater Tonic

A Skincare and Medicinal Remedy

October 13, 2014 | 0 Comments

rosewater, drinkable rosewater

An emperor in ancient Persia, for his royal wedding to a princess, once ordered rose water to be filled in his imperial fountains. After their marriage, as the royal couple was taking a walk through the lovely gardens, tiny drops were seen on the surface of the rose water fountain. These tiny drops were rose oil droplets that had been formed under the warm streaming sunshine. The curious empress was intrigued to find that the droplets, when touched, had an oily feel and a beautiful scent emitted from them. Thus, the benefits of rose water, along with rose oil, were first discovered.

By now we all know the benefits of using rosewater on the skin. It is an excellent toner, hydrator and can clear up skin ailments. Did you know that drinking some rose water is also very medicinal? On the site Positive Health they say  it can benefit the skin, the heart, the liver, digestion, gynaecological problems, appetite, bad breath, the eyes, the mouth, bruising, cuts and wounds, veins, limb joints, head pain, infectious illness, sexuality and the mind. These are very much in line with the ailments that rose was claimed to cure in ancient medicines. And much of it has been confirmed by modern scientific studies, particularly in Germany, and in Bulgaria where a large rose industry has been established.

I have been on the hunt for a 100% organic brand that uses roses grown with zero pesticides. The company Royal Sense has a beautiful rosewater that I have been sampling now for 6 weeks, and I can see the results. I drop a few drops into my water bottle and drink it through out the day. I’ve noticed an elevation in my heart chakra, energy, a sense of renewal and more. You can put some drops in your juice, tea or cocktail. Now the shop on The Local Rose carries the rosewater so you can all give it a try! A few drops go a long way due to the purity and strength.

For more all-natural wellness remedies, see The Local Rose.


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