Autumn Magic with Beeswax Candles

by Honest Rituals

November 1, 2018 | 1 Comment

I love the coziness that Autumn afternoons and evenings evoke. The warm drinks, sitting by fires and the golden hues of beeswax candles. I first became acquainted with beeswax candles when my eldest daughter Colette Blu was attending the Waldorf School. There they are always relaxing the nervous systems of children by using subtle colors in rooms. They believe greatly in using beeswax candles for the golden light, and also for the purifying capabilities.

I’m so happy to see artisans like Elizabeth Carter bringing back the lost art of beeswax candle making.

1) What inspired you to begin candle making with beeswax?

I think what inspired me to create candles out of beeswax is a mixture of experiences growing up.

I’ve always been intuitively drawn to beeswax candles, growing up my grandmother would only burn beeswax and I remember she actually had a colony of bees that resided in between the wooden walls of her home. When I would stay over at night I could hear the humming of the beehive and would fall asleep to that sound.

Since I can remember I’ve always had honey bees come to me, usually when they are injured. I pick them up, feed them some honey, set them on a flower and off they would go!

I also grew up having beehives and I remember sitting in the garden next to the bee box and just watching these little creatures for hours go about their daily rituals and be absolutely mesmerized by them.

And for myself, I can only burn beeswax candles. I’m very sensitive to smells and most Paraffin and soy candles give me headaches. They are also tainted with chemicals that are terrible to inhale. I want to offer a better alternative.
It’s the smell and the energy a beeswax candles give a room, it’s pure, untainted magic. I could never burn anything but beeswax candles.
But you must source your beeswax candles and make sure they are from happy bees who are well taken care of.

2) How do the beeswax candles affect us and our worlds?

Beeswax had been dated back to Neolithic times. Thousands of years ago our ancestors had many uses for beeswax. They used it for light, medicinal purposes, to bind objects together, and to coat pottery and various objects to make them durable. It has such a rich history. Witches use and have used beeswax candles while practicing magic. When lit a beeswax candle produces negative ions.

Honey bees take the light from the sun and turn it into wax–and when a beeswax candle is lit it then releases the light back into the world. It’s a bit much to wrap your head around but once you do I’m sure you’ll be just as obsessed with honey bees as much as I am.

I believe honeybees are the last mythical creatures left visible to the human eye.

3) What makes your heart sing?

Just being still in nature, and when I say nature I mean really being disconnected from other peoples energies and tuning into the earth, walking barefoot along the forest floor and physically touching leaves, moss, etc and feeling their energies. That makes my heart sing.

4) Do you have a favorite beauty secret with your line?

My favorite beauty secret would be giving yourself verbal compliments in the mirror. Your cells react to your words, so tell them that you’re beautiful, your skin is glowing, how pretty your eyes are. Once you start ritualistically practicing this it’s beautiful what unfolds.

5) Are you a mermaid or forest fairy?

Am I a mermaid or a forest fairy? I’m gravitating towards forest fairy. Something about the trees and the way the wind blows through them that makes me feel so grounded and in complete awe of nature.

6) Do you have a mantra or quote you live by?

A quote that seems very true to me would be that in your life you go through many seasons just like we see in nature. There are Times in your life that you blossom and there are times that you’re growing or being rooted in new beliefs. We’re not always meant to be blooming. Be grounded in the season you’re in.

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