Lions Portal Meditation for Healing

Lions Gate is activated every year on August 8th when higher frequencies from the start Sirius are beaming onto Planet Earth. This beaming of energy is said to help the human race advance and raise the consciousness of all beings and the planet. When the Sun, the Earth, and Sirius are all aligned in a particular astrological pattern, the Lions Gate portal awakens.

August 8, 2018 | 4 Comments

Last year on The Lions Portal 8✨8✨17 I viscerally felt the door, window to a portal being opened. I was blessed enough to attend an incredible class by harijiwan where I felt I was able to channel the planets energies towards a road map of my desires.

Now today this portal is being opened again and I hope you all will utilize it for the betterment of yourselves and our planet. I got the message that we need to bring this energy towards helping our planet in any way we can, that she’s in a dire crisis but it can shift when we all start working towards that.
I’m so elated to have a post by my kundalini sister Desiree Pais on today’s extra potent energy.

The 8th day of the 8th month marks the opening of an energetic portal called Lions Gate. For thousands of years those who walked the earth believe in the connection between the planets and the earth. In some ways we still do, which is why we’re so interested in astrology and learning about our own signs and others signs as well. If we believe in astrology then it’s possible to believe in other astrological phenomenons such as portal openings, which essentially mean that other planetary entities are affecting the earth in some way or form. Just like we can feel like intensity around the time of the Full Moon, we too can feel when stars and planets are affecting our Earth’s magnetic field and thus ourselves. Lions Gate is activated every year on August 8th when higher frequencies from the start Sirius are beaming onto Planet Earth. This beaming of energy is said to help the human race advance and raise the consciousness of all beings and the planet. When the Sun, the Earth, and Sirius are all aligned in a particular astrological pattern, the Lions Gate portal awakens.

So what does this all actually mean? It means that right now, if you decide to, there’s a doorway to a new experience of yourself that is elevated above and beyond what you’re currently experiencing. It’s an opportunity to take a good look at your patterns and see what hasn’t been working and ask for guidance to figure out the next, new steps to take that will leave you feeling powerful rather than powerless.

The energy of Sirius beaming down onto Planet Earth is received through the heart chakra and the third eye, which represents love (be it to self or others) and intuition. One thing I’ve learned over the years is how much we confuse self-love with self-improvement and how our intuition is always trying to let us know the difference between the two. Intuition is one of the most powerful tools we have. It’s the part of us that can see the future and it’s not as esoteric as we think. Any time we have ever said, “I shouldn’t have done that” or “I should have done that instead,” our intuition was showing us the way that would give us the most power, self-love, and self-fulfillment, but instead we chose a different reaction that made us feel insecure.

To be aligned with heart chakra and intuition means that we are always working to take the steps that we know will make us feel most powerful, most embodied, and most fulfilled, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. When we can really tap into that space and begin to actually act on this instead of letting ourselves down, then we can really begin to heal the blocks of the heart chakra because we are aligning ourselves with doing what makes us feel good and powerful.

Sometimes it’s challenging to get into the space of making the choice to do what we deep down know will ultimately serve us (intuition showing us the way) and that’s because we have low self-esteem, low self-worth, and are operating at a lower frequency. Meditation and mantra is one of my favorite ways to shift this. Kundalini Yoga is a powerful practice that can help us quickly shift states of consciousness through meditation, through sound, and through the breath.

A beautiful practice to incorporate during this powerful portal is the Kundalini Meditation for Healing, which uses the mantra Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung. It is said that these powerful sound codes were once used in Ancient Egypt as well as by Atlanteans, the people of Atlantis.

Ra – Sun

Ma – Moon

Daa – Earth

Saa – Impersonal Infinity

Saa Say – Totality of Infinity

So – Personal sense of merger and identity

Hung – The infinite, vibrating and real.

Try this meditation as a ritual for the next 40 days, for 11 minutes per day. I love to do this meditation as the sun is rising or as it’s setting, to Snatam Kaur’s version of Ra Ma Da Sa – her voice sounds like a thousand angels singing. Really allow yourself to go deep, follow the sound, feel the posture as it heals your body and mind. If you allow yourself to search for the magic in the meditation, especially during this potent energetic time portal, it will truly transform you beyond anything you’ve every experienced before.

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  1. Rose says:

    Thank you for this beautiful article!! I will definitely try sticking to this meditation for 40 days!

  2. Thank you for sharing. This is beautiful information. I have never heard about the astrological lions gate or portal. Inspiring to take advantage of the statrs alignment. . 🙏💫 thanks!!

  3. April Hancy says:

    What a wonderful, inspiring post. I love how you combine your personal story with the astrology and meditation.

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