How to Protect Our Yin

Balancing Our Doshas Lead to Health and Beauty

June 19, 2019 | 4 Comments

These hectic times, having peace, calm and softness is the true commodity. Ayurveda practices are weaved into my book Whole Beauty, and have truly helped me calm my Vata dominant Dosha over the last decade. A few years back I brought you all the amazing work of Surya Spa and later Poppy and Someday. Now I’m thrilled to bring you the wisdom of Veda.  I really feel this can be the start of places of refuge throughout our country. My dream is to see places like this all over America. Veda can be a prototype for spaces that will allow us to rebalance and recalibrate our bodies, minds, and spirits.

I was so grateful to visit Veda and receive a Udvartana Swedena treatment from the incredible Julia. Julia with her calm, delicate demeanor, possesses great wisdom from her decades of experience. I knew this treatment had helped me tremendously when afterwards, driving back to work, I received a stressful phone call and was able to just manage it without any anxious feelings. I felt strangely, calm, secure, and trusting that everything would work out. It was another example of how much more productive we are when our systems are balanced. Please look below for an interview with Julia.

1) Can you explain a little bit about Doshas for those who aren’t familiar. Why is it good for us to balance our Doshas if we are preventing illness?
The doshas are biological energies found throughout the body and mind. They govern all physical and mental processes and provide every living being with an individual blueprint for health and fulfillment. The doshas derive from the five elements and their related properties. Vata is composed of Ether and Air, Pitta of Fire and Water, Kapha of Earth and Water. One way to balance our Doshas is through

2) I felt very much my vata Dosha was out of whack due to traveling the day I came to you. After our treatment I felt such an ease and release of anxiety. What did you do or how did you choose the remedy I had that day?
We decided to give you an Udvartana Swedena to calm the mind and body. We customized the herbal powder that was used and infused the herb Dashmula which is Vata balancing and helps ease high stress, anxiety and overwhelm. The Swedena (steam tent) activates the herbs and allows them to soak into the body while flushing out toxins.

3) What are three basics for someone just getting more immersed into the world of Ayurveda.
In Ayurveda, body, mind and consciousness work together in maintaining balance. They are viewed as different facets of ones being. Everyone is born with a specific dosha which can change overtime due to enviornmental factors. It’s important to meditate, have positive thoughts and eat healthy food in order to keep the doshas balanced. Doshic imbalances can turn into disease in the long run.

4) What makes your soul sing?
Seeing our patients increase their health through our Ayurvedic and Integrative Treatments.

5) Do you have a favorite Ayurvedic beauty treatment?
Yes, our Ayurvedic Facelift Massage! The techniques used in this massage are great for lifting, brightening and bringing a youthful glow to the skin. Doing this regularly will help your skin stay young and supple. It’s also great for draining lymph and de-puffing the face.

6) Do you see Veda growing in terms of people opening up to this ancient medicine?
Yes, we’ve seen growth and are happy to see how open people are to this ancient medicine. We find a lot of women who are trying to conceive are interested in our treatments. Our Ayurvedic and Integrative treatments are great for de-stressing the body which helps them conceive.

7) Do you have a favorite mantra or quote you live by?
“Because we cannot scrub our inner body we need to learn a few skills to help cleanse our tissues, organs, and mind. This is the art of Ayurveda.”

8) How did you come to the world of Ayurveda?
When Western medicine wasn’t working, we sought out natural remedies and herbs to heal the body. Once we found out about Ayurveda, we were hooked and wanted to bring this nourishing, nurturing, healing science to those in West Hollywood and the surrounding areas.

9) What is a simple herb or supplement a woman can start with to enhance her ojas?
Ashwaghanda root and Ghee are great for men and women to build their Ojas. For women specifically, we recommend Shatavari. This herb nourishes the whole body and strengthens the reproductive organs.

10) Do you see Veda spas growing to more and more cities?
Yes! We would love to grow and bring this beautiful, healing science to new cities.

Photography by Morgan Pansing

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  1. Ashley says:

    Love that pink dress you’re wearing in the top photos! Looks so pretty and cozy. Mind if I ask where you got it from? Thank you. 🙂

  2. This was a very meaningful post for me. Thank you.

    Effective Health Treatment

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