Nourishing Your Cycle With Seeds, Herbs and Diet

May 9, 2019 | 5 Comments

During my thirties, I began to experience some hormonal issues like ovarian cysts and high fluctuations in estrogen. At that time there were very few resources, besides a handful of books like Christiane Northrup’s Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom (which may have saved my life). When a cyst the size of a grapefruit exploded on my ovary, I was wheeled into an emergency room without knowing if my ovary could be saved. The pain was worse than childbirth, not mention the fact that I was so disconnected from my body, that I didn’t know I had a cyst until it literally blew me up. Thank goodness my ovary was saved, and that started me on my hormonal health journey. I already was battling autoimmune issues, and doctors told me that there was really nothing I could do about the cysts. So, I became my own medicine woman. I began researching at the library, haunting health food stores, trying Chinese medicine and acupuncture. I wanted to try to have another baby. I was 34 at the time, but told it would be unlikely. After 3 months of making herbal infusions from Susan Weed’s book, connecting to the moon, and getting acupuncture weekly, I got pregnant naturally. Since then my body has become more fertile than it ever was in my thirties.

I feel like hormones can be the gateway to our deeper selves. Many women have walked through painful fires from hormonal issues and found themselves forced on the path. I somehow feel as more and more women educate themselves on how their bodies work, the more they become empowered. Realizing the magnificence and healing capacity of our vessels, makes us feel more victorious. Keeping hormones in a good state can be all about keeping a delicate balance, and almost like the canary in the cave. They can alert us to immune, emotional and spiritual chaos that is lurking just underneath the surface.

When I posted on seeding for my cycle a few months ago I think my Instagram DM almost blew up. There is such a hunger in the world for us all to know how to connect with our bodies, our planet. The fact that seeds, the very thing that gives life can help us balance our estrogen and progesterone is so beautiful.

What an incredible time we are in when we can get so much information on traditional and medicinal love. We have incredible practitioners like Kristen Dahl to share their wisdom with us. I really am so excited about this post because it will reveal some techniques like seed cycling and which herbs to take when during our cycles. Please also look at Kristen’s  past recipes here. I only wish I knew all this info years ago but better now than never . . .

The menstrual cycle is divided into two main phases: the follicular phase and the luteal phase. Within these phases, there are two additional phases: menstruation and ovulation. The follicular phase starts on the first day of your cycle (the first day of menstruation) and lasts until ovulation, usually around day 14-16. The luteal phase begins after this, and lasts for days 15-28 (approximately), leading up to your next period. These phases are prompted by hormonal changes that occur naturally within the body, and so the health of our menstrual cycles can tell us a lot about the health of our hormones.

Many women experience irregular cycles and imbalanced hormones. These can be supported and rebalanced by using the appropriate foods and herbs to nourish the body and restore harmony.

If you are dealing with a serious hormonal imbalance or recent diagnosis, it’s imperative that you seek support and guidance from a holistic practitioner.


Changes during the menstrual cycle are controlled by various hormones. When these hormones become too low or too high, women experience various symptoms. Through proper diet and supplementation, we can support our bodies and hormones to alleviate these symptoms and promote a healthy and regular menstrual cycle.

In all cycle phases, it’s important to support the body with real, whole foods while avoiding foods such as:
Highly processed and refined foods including refined flour
Junk and fast foods
Sugar and artificial sweeteners
Damaged fats (vegetable oils, fried foods, etc.)
BPA found in plastics, and plastic in general (these contain hormone disruptors!)
Conventional, hormone-containing meat (look for organic, pasture-raised, grass-fed, wild-caught, hormone- and antibiotic-free meats)
Sulfites and other food additives
Chemical toxins found in household cleaners and air fresheners

The following is a general guide of what to focus on and is not set in stone. You can most certainly consume foods in other phases or throughout the month even if they’re only listed in one phase. The idea is that recommended foods will support a smooth transition through each stage and to focus on consuming most/more of those foods during that part of the cycle.

Begins on the first day of your period/bleeding. In this phase, estrogen and progesterone are low. The body recognizes that pregnancy did not take place and hormonal changes occur to shed the uterine lining (bleeding is the uterine lining leaving the body).

Light movement, such as stretching and yoga or light walking, is best during this stage.

Nourishment for this phase: foods that are rich in minerals, iron + vitamin C. Drink herbal teas to alleviate cramping – red raspberry leaf tea is a great option. Avoid heavy + fatty foods, alcohol, caffeine (especially coffee), and highly processed + overly salty foods.

Include: Bone broth, dark leafy greens like collards & kale + spinach & Swiss chard, beets, broccoli, sweet potatoes, wild-caught salmon, seaweed, berries, avocado, watermelon, buckwheat, adzuki beans, and Himalayan sea salt.

Seed cycling: 1 tbsp sprouted pumpkin seeds + 1 tbsp ground flax seeds daily

Red raspberry leaf – Tones and soothes the uterus – enjoy as a tea or infusion *Drink daily during/just before your menstrual cycle

Nettle – High in iron to support blood loss & remineralize the body – enjoy as a tea or infusion

Cramp bark – Helps relieve cramping associated with menses – try in tincture form, 1 dropper full 1-3x per day

Turmeric – Anti-inflammatory, helps with menstrual cramps – add to foods daily during menses to reduce inflammation

Omega-3 oils – These are anti-inflammatory and will aid in reducing cramps as well as keeping hormones in balance. They also help to lift mood by boosting dopamine. A higher EPA to DHA ratio will provide more anti-inflammatory benefits – try 1,000 mg/daily in a 3:1 EPA:DHA ratio, in soft gel or liquid form or add in omega-rich foods such as walnuts, wild-caught fish, hemp seeds, and chia seeds

Vitamin C – May be effective in reducing period cramps. It also speeds up shedding of the uterine lining – take 1,000 mg 3-4x/day (best taken throughout the day as vitamin C is water soluble and we can only absorb a certain amount at one time)

Iron/blood-building formula – During times of heavy flow, or in cases of menorrhagia (abnormally heaving bleeding), it can be helpful to supplement with iron to prevent anemia *It is always best to consult with a holistic practitioner or your health care provider prior to taking iron supplements.

FOLLICULAR PHASE 2 (days 1-13)
Begins on the first day of menstruation and extends until midway through your cycle. In this phase, estrogen and progesterone are on the rise. Ovaries produce follicles, each containing an immature egg. Usually, only one develops into a mature egg each cycle, around day 14. The uterine lining thickens to prepare for the possibility of pregnancy.

Flow yoga, hiking, walking, and light jogging are best in this phase.

Nourishment for this phase: probiotic-rich foods and foods that are high in fiber, vitamin E, the B vitamins, and zinc. Incorporate foods that support the liver and help to metabolize excess estrogens, like cruciferous vegetables. Focus on sprouted and fermented foods like broccoli sprouts, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Ensuring that you are getting adequate fiber is also essential for healthy elimination of excess estrogen (ground flaxseed and psyllium husk are great options).

Include: Watercress, parsley, broccoli, lettuce, avocados, lemons & limes, oats, mung beans, pasture-raised organic chicken & eggs, white fish, olives, nut butter, coconut yogurt.

Seed cycling: 1 tbsp sprouted pumpkin seeds + 1 tbsp ground flax seeds daily

Nettle – High in iron to restore the amount lost via blood loss – try as a tea or infusion

Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) – Helps boost energy by rebuilding red blood cells – try 200-400 mcg/daily

Omega-3 oils – Anti-inflammatory and aid in keeping hormones in balance. They also act as a mood stabilizer and boost brain function by increasing dopamine – try 1,000 mg/daily in a 3:1 EPA:DHA ratio, in soft gel or liquid form

OVULATORY PHASE 3 (lasts roughly 1-3 days, approx. days 14-16)
In this phase, estrogen peaks while testosterone and progesterone rise. The mature egg is released.

Higher intensity workouts such as spinning, running, interval training, and dancing are best during this phase.

Nourishment for this phase: Consume foods and herbs that support liver cleansing. Focus on anti-inflammatory, high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, and sprouted nuts, plus plenty of probiotic-rich foods.

Include: Asparagus, spinach, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, dandelion, figs, coconut, raspberries, dates, apricots, turmeric, quinoa, lentils, almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, lamb, wild-caught salmon, spirulina, psyllium husks, and fermented foods such as raw apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and coconut yogurt.

Red clover – Increases cervical mucus and lubricates the vagina – try as a tea *It’s best to consult with a holistic practitioner or herbalist prior to taking red clover

Dandelion – Cleanses the liver & helps clear constipation – try in tea or infusion form

Milk thistle – Helps cleanse the liver – try in tincture form 1-2x per day

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-phosphate) – aids in liver detox and is a mood-boosting supplement – try 50-100 mg 1x daily

LUTEAL PHASE 4 (days 15-28)
In this phase, estrogen and progesterone levels are high. If the egg isn’t fertilized during ovulation, then hormone levels decrease and the menstrual cycle starts again at the end of the phase.

Pilates, strength training, and power yoga are best during this phase.

Nourishment for this phase: Eat foods that support serotonin production, like dark greens, healthy fats like salmon, eggs, and avocado, plus sprouted nuts & seeds. Add in magnesium-rich foods to increase energy and libido, like pumpkin seeds, spinach, Swiss chard, and dark chocolate. Focus on healthy fats and protein to promote satiety and reduce cravings during this phase. It’s best to eat warm + grounding foods, especially towards the end of this stage as you transition into the menstrual cycle.

Include: Celery, kale, collards, ginger, sweet potato, parsnips, carrots, bananas, apples, dates, pears, peppermint tea, brown rice, chickpeas, walnuts, pasture-raised organic poultry & eggs, wild-caught halibut & cod.

Seed cycling: 1 tbsp sesame seeds + 1 tbsp sunflower seeds daily

Chaste tree berry (vitex) – Helps to lengthen the luteal phase, which is important as a short luteal phase can be indicative of conception issues in the future (or currently if you’re trying to conceive) – try in tincture form 1-3x per day

Ginger – Helps relieve gas & bloating – drink as a tea or grate fresh ginger into curries and soups

Burdock root – Cleanses the liver and supports the clearance of excess estrogen – try as a tea or infusion

Magnesium – A calming mineral which a deficiency of can cause bloating and other PMS symptoms – try: 300-400 mg/daily + magnesium flake baths or add in magnesium-rich foods such as spinach, beet greens, Swiss chard, avocados, organic dark chocolate, quinoa, and almonds


Limit xenoestrogens: Xenoestrogens are synthetic chemicals which mimic the effect of estrogen in the body but have effects that are 100 times stronger. This can cause significant hormonal imbalances, most often estrogen dominance.
Try: Using glass and stainless steel containers rather than plastic for food storage, and replacing conventional body care products with natural alternatives (EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database or the Think Dirty app can help you find natural alternatives).

Reduce/eliminate caffeine – especially coffee – if you’re experiencing hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, or excessive cramping.
Try: Replacing it with herbal teas and coffee alternatives such as Dandy Blend.

Improve detoxification: Help the body eliminate excess hormones, primarily through liver support and healthy bowel movements, to encourage hormonal balance.
Try: Consuming adequate fiber, which is easier to achieve if focusing on whole foods. Aim for at least 35g of fiber per day. Ground flax seeds are particularly good for binding excess estrogens to be eliminated in the feces. Be mindful to drink enough water (2-3L is a good general guideline). Fiber without water can cause constipation and worsen hormonal imbalance. Herbs like burdock & dandelion help to cleanse the liver. Try them in tea or infusion form. *Especially helpful if you’re experiencing constipation or experience constipation during ovulation or prior to your menstrual cycle.

Seed cycling: This means eating specific seeds that correspond to the two main phases of the menstrual cycle. This can help to stimulate the body to produce the right hormones at the correct time. The more severe your hormonal imbalance, the more months of seed cycling you will need to complete before seeing effects.
Try: Seed cycling by consuming 1 tbsp of ground pumpkin seeds and ground flax seeds daily during cycle days 1-14, and then consuming 1 tbsp of ground sesame seeds and ground sunflower seeds during cycle days 15-28.

Yoni steaming: Steaming helps to reduce stagnation and remove old residue from the vaginal canal and womb space. If blood from the previous menstrual cycle has not been properly removed and cleansed, the body identifies it as a foreign substance. Doing yoni (vaginal) steams can assist the body with cleansing the uterus, speed up blood flow, and improve circulation, which enhances the body’s own cleansing mechanisms.
Try: Steaming 1-2x the week before your period. Adding herbs to the process can enhance the effects. Beneficial herbs include nettle, rose, red raspberry leaf, chamomile, dandelion, calendula, and mugwort. *Do not steam during your period, after ovulation if you are trying to get pregnant, or if there is excess heat in the body due to fever, hot flashes, or night sweats.

Kristin Dahl is a Los Angeles based nutritionist, herbalist, and women’s wellness educator whose teachings emanate from her extensive education in holistic healing, Ayurveda, herbal medicine, plant-based cooking, and functional nutrition. Her book, The Art of Wellness, co-written with Olympic Gold Medalist Stephanie Rice, has gained global attention for its integrative guidance on health and wellness. Kristin’s approach merges the practical and spiritual, educating and empowering individuals to take preventative steps and make lasting change. Visit her websites: &

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  1. Elizabeth Winsininski says:

    Any advice for menopausal women? I’m 42 and in the thick of it and would appreciate any insight on what would be best for me. Thank you!

  2. Katie Chambers says:

    So the follicular phase overlaps with the menstrual phase?

  3. Abrielle says:

    Thank you so much for this information. Extremely helpful the way you laid it out.

  4. Lyn says:

    Thanks for sharing the tips for having irregular cycles!

  5. Kim says:

    Hello Shiva,
    I just found you today through your wellness book online Anthropologie…and happy to meet you online.
    I am 54 years now and am in Menopause….do you have any suggestions for my age/cycle?

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