Turmeric Latte with Harmless Harvest

An Organic, Quick and Easy Coconut Water Recipe

May 21, 2015 | 0 Comments

If you are anything like me, you are delighted to see so many places selling Harmless Harvest Coconut Water. Not just because it’s such a delicious healthy drink, but also because this company is treating mama earth with dignity. They believe in Constructive Capitalism where consumers should be given the best, healthiest products at an affordable cost, while supporting the environment. If only the whole world could follow this model which is inspired by the Patagonia and Stonyfield Farms models.

For more organic, all-natural recipes see The Local Rose.

I first began drinking raw coconut water about twenty years ago on one of my visits to my home away from home in Kauai. On the island we drink the water straight from fresh opened husks, feeling the beautiful energy and becoming totally juicy after one. The abundance of electrolytes, minerals, antioxidants and the fact that this nectar is almost identical to human plasma makes it a true wonder drink. The only coconut water I will drink when I can’t get a fresh one, are the ones by Harmless Harvest. The reason why is because Harmless is raw and made without any preservatives. Most coconut waters use “natural flavors” or add “carrageenan”, or are from concentrate but Harmless is 100% straight water from the source. I also have heard for years that the whole coconuts sold in most markets are dipped in toxic chemicals to keep the husks clean. I’m not sure how much of this is accurate but it is concerning. Also Harmless uses the young thai coconuts which are so so sweet. When Lisa from Green Heart Foods invited me over to meet one of the founders of Harmless, I went with joy! I was able to meet with Justin Guilbert, discuss his incredible model for business, and then enjoy Lisa’s healthy, delicious, super Coconut Turmeric Latte (recipe below.)


Turmeric Latte:
9 oz. fresh young coconut meat (I get mine in frozen packs at Whole Foods)
1 oz. peeled fresh turmeric
1/2 oz. peeled fresh ginger
1/2 tsp. Vietnamese cinnamon
1/2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
20 oz. Harmless Harvest coconut water
pinch of sea salt

Combine all ingredients in a small pot. Warm over medium heat with a lid. Cook for about 9 minutes. Transfer to a Vitamix and blend on high for about 2 minutes. Either enjoy warm or chilled as a sweetly spiced treat.

(I tried Lisa’s recipe with a tbs of raw honey from my bees just because I have a bit of a sweet tooth. Coconut sugar would also be great.)


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