All In the Divine Plan ~ Being in Rhythm with our Lives

Taking the time to look inward and realize the abundance in our lives and selves.

September 26, 2015 | 10 Comments


The last month I feel like I have been on a powerful spiritual journey, with ups and downs and lessons all around the divine plan. I spent 5 days camping on pristinely beautiful land with my sisters and my daughter, on Orcas Island for The Heartbeat of the Mother Retreat . There I experienced the bliss of being in a safe environment, where I could be soothed by nature and nurtured by a community of love. There I was able to come face to face with the dualities that come with having quiet and peace without excess noise. On one hand you feel close to your thoughts, and on the other hand you see changes you must make in your life. Coming home has been adjustment especially with this Full Blood moon eclipse that is occurring this weekend. We all have our demons and mine seem to arise when I feel the weight of raising my daughter on my own, running a business, trying to protect myself from the onslaught of societies ideals. The weight of anxiety that comes when we think too far into the future. This seems to be the time for me to go inward a bit, and look carefully at patterns in my life that want to be repeated but don’t serve me.  A few things that help immensely are connecting to nature, my Kundalini practice, and taking a few moments to ask myself what I am feeling and why. When we are on a spiritual path we become increasingly sensitive. I am learning finally in my forties, to listen to the tiny voice that may be saying “this person doesn’t have your best interest”, or “maybe you shouldn’t make a business decision until you have more answers.” I am realizing more and more that being in our ‘feminine’ means feeling okay about taking our time. That rushing things (which tends to be my nature), is not exactly being in our power.

Here in the West we are so trained to look at the ‘lack‘ in our lives rather than the abundance. I feel if I consciously shift my perception, things begin to blossom. Yes there are elements in my life that I want to see come alive, and in these moments I can again say to myself “all in the right time. Trust the divine plan”. I can also trust my intuition and check in with my cards for guidance. Another wonderful remedy for this questing and yearning is to read books by the enlightened ones. This by Rinpoche is a favorite:

“There are times to cultivate and create, when you nurture your world and give birth to new ideas and ventures. There are times of flourishing and abundance, when life feels in full bloom, energized and expanding. And there are times of fruition, when things come to an end. They have reached their climax and must be harvested before they begin to fade. And finally of course, there are times that are cold, and cutting and empty, times when the spring of new beginnings seems like a distant dream. Those rhythms in life are natural events. They weave into one another as day follows night, bringing, not messages of hope and fear, but messages of how things are.”
― Chögyam Trungpa




  1. R says:

    Deepest gratitude I feel towards you for sharing your experience with us so beautifully and honestly. I can relate to so many of your thoughts and experiences. Thank you for creating this sisterhood.
    Blessings and love

  2. Tracy says:

    Hi there Shiva,

    Thank you for sharing this! The quote you’ve referenced makes so much sense – it’s a wonder I’ve never quite looked at things this way. I certainly see myself as being part of nature yet have failed to realize that my life will, as a matter of course, be filled with the very same seasonal fluctuations. I tend to think I am doing something “wrong” when things are going poorly instead of seeing these portions of time for what they are – a confirmation of my place in the ordinary scheme of things. We wouldn’t be wild creatures without these shifts and seasons.


    PS-I was looking this evening at a past issue of Vanity Fair which features your Rose Oil. I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 years now (I discovered it in early 2012, I believe) and am happy to see your creations taking flight!

    • Shiva Rose says:

      Thank you so much Tracy warms my heart to see that the blog is being read. Love that ‘we wouldn’t be wild creatures ‘ yes!!

  3. Amanda says:

    Thank you. I have been experiencing very similar feelings and fluctuations recently and I often get anxious and overwhelmed by them all. This post reminds me of the importance of going with the flow when you experience certain things so that you can learn from them, rather than fight against them.

  4. Rana says:

    Hi Shiva, reading your blog gives me such happiness. Thank you for being who you are ❤️

  5. Linda says:

    Thank you for sharing your growth with us. Your healing is ours and visa versa. I am grateful for your ability to share and create more peace. Your Rose Oil is a staple for me, too. Blessings to you!

  6. Mmmm, beautiful post. I’m glad you shared that quote. I too have been feeling a surge of abundance and creativity. Being in this creative Fall season sometimes scares me of the Winter to come. I love reading your posts 🙂 Sending smiles.

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