Angelic Breath Healing with Madeline Giles

Leaning on Angels for Guidance

July 10, 2015 | 1 Comment

Madeline Giles is one of those magical beings that seems to herald from a celestial plane. Don’t be fooled by her sparkling aura and sweet demeanor, because she also is a disciplined practitioner well versed in Kundalini and breath work. I had a life altering experience in her breath class a few months ago when we called in the energy and love of Mother Mary. In the class I went to Madeline used a specific breath technique for clearing our blocks and then gave us a mediation to follow. She then played music that enhanced the experience by reaching specific octaves. For me the session was exquisite. I had visions of realms, colors, and auras and felt completely enveloped in the most heavenly kind of love which was Mother Mary’s essence.

For more spiritual healing rituals see The Local Rose.

My first time at one of Madeline’s gatherings there were just a handful of us. The second time a few weeks later it had grown to full capacity. I feel that she is touching upon something that is very healing to all of us. I feel it’s such an exciting time right now in the dawn of the Aquarian Age where light beings are able to transform our communities through mediation, breath work, music, art, music, food and more. Venice Ca. seems to be a fertile ground for healing work as we have seen with some our favorite Roses Guru Jagat and Moon Juice. Now we have Madeline guiding us towards the angelic realm. A beautiful way to find our guides and connect with the source of love!



1) How did the angels first start to connect with you?
The Angels have been connecting with me all my life, I just wasn’t conscious of it until 2009, when I had a paranormal experience that compelled me to seek guidance from a psychic. She told me about the angels – and when she did, I felt like I had reconnected with a massive missing piece of myself. It was pretty emotional! I started Googleing all about angels and couldn’t find much except for religious content, which didn’t resonate with me. A few months later, I stumbled upon Doreen Virtue’s work and learned how easy it is to connect with the Angels by simply calling upon them and consistently requesting help with all areas of life – including small things, like great parking spaces or an easy travel day. I began to talk to them all the time, asking for help and guidance, and it completely changed my life! I became an angel fanatic – I started buying all these angel books and oracle cards and went to angel seminars. All I wanted to do was read and talk about angels. It became my favorite hobby, though to be honest I never thought it would become my profession!

2) How can angel work heal us?
Angels are totally trustworthy, unconditionally Loving light beings who want nothing more than to help us in all areas of life. Their primary purpose is to bring more peace into our lives, and they do so by providing loving comfort, miraculous solutions, repetitive inner guidance, and divine intervention. Angels can help us with anything and everything – from getting a great parking space, healing a challenging relationship, helping manifest our ideal home or job, recover from grief, anything! There are angels for literally every task we could think of, provided it does not bring harm to others. I once read in Angels in my Hair by Lorna Byrne (one of my favorite angel books) that there are millions of unemployed angels just waiting around for humans to invite their help. Because we have free will, Angels cannot intervene into our lives unless we consistently ask. I consult my Angels about everything: relationships, business decisions, driving routes…and they are always right on. I also request things I want and need. Most recently, I asked the Angels to guide me to an affordable healing space where I could lead private sessions. Within two weeks of me asking, I was at a party and met a woman who mentioned how she has a guesthouse behind her home that she specifically lets healers use. She invited me to check out the space, and when I did – I was in utter awe at how divine it is! There is a lush, beautiful garden, it’s quiet and it includes healing tools I thought I would need to purchase. The Angels have also helped me quit jobs, move across the country, heal from breakups, confidently conduct challenging conversations, have the courage to launch Angelic Breath Healing, etc. My life is very blessed and I am so grateful, however, it has taken immense surrender, trust and courage to be where I’m at today. I couldn’t have done it without the Angels, which is why I love sharing about them so much. For people who are new to Angels, and perhaps a bit skeptical, try an experiment. Choose an area of your life you feel stuck on, and ask the Angels for help. Then, let it go and notice what happens. Reading about something is not nearly as fun as experiencing it for yourself!

3) You incorporate a powerful breath with your meditation – how did you bridge these two elements?
It was their idea! Last October, I was driving back from Ojai when the whole vision crystallized. It was like seeing my life flash before my eyes, except it was experiences that hadn’t happened yet. I heard “Angelic Breath Healing” and then in my mind’s eye saw legions of people coming together to experientially connect with the Angels through breath. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and it still makes me tear up! Leading up to that experience, I had spent the past year doing intensive kundalini yoga everyday, which blasted open my intuitive channel and changed me on every level. I also had several profound experiences connecting with the angels and ascended masters through the form of breath I teach (originally taught by David Elliott). After the Angelic Breath Healing vision came through, I’ve learned that the Angels’ messages are carried on the molecules of oxygen, so the deeper we breathe – the clearer the connection. The Angels also say that when people are frustrated and can’t feel or hear them, it’s because they are not breathing deep enough, which puts them in an emotional state that blocks their messages. Our breath is intricately connected to receiving Angelic Guidance, so the more air we breathe, the easier it’s going to be to connect with them. Angelic Breath Healing is truly a divine transmission, and I am SO honored to share it with the world.

4) Do you have a specific angel guide that is always there for you?
My guardian angel Ariella is always with me, as each of our guardian angel is. Our guardian angel has been with us since the beginning of our soul’s creation and will never leave us. I talk to Ariella about everything and always ask her for help, guidance and comfort. Aside from that, Archangel Michael is my best friend. He is the chief protector angel who clears fear-based energies. When people who are new to angels ask me what angel to call upon, I almost always recommend starting with Archangel Michael. He is the loudest angel and it’s easier to feel his energy because it’s very hot and intense, in a Loving way. Before developing a relationship with Archangel Michael, going to sleep was a terrifying experience for me. I would see scary things in my room at night – and even with a nightlight on, I felt deathly afraid. Once I started calling upon Michael, everything changed. My nightly fears melted away, and I’m not afraid to sleep alone or of the dark. I also haven’t seen any scary things in my room since, which is truly a miracle!

5) Do you have a mantra or motto you live by?
I consistently come back to Yogi Bhajan’s recording of Patience Pays. As a futuristic visionary who wants it all right NOW, it’s necessary to constantly remind myself to breathe, trust, allow…
He says:
“Patience pays. Wait. Let the hand of God work for you. The One who has created you, let Him create all the environments, circumstances, and facilitates and facilities. Oh individual, why you are in a very doubtful state? The One who has made you will take care of you. The One who has created this Universe, all the planets, planetary faculties and facilities on Earth, He is the One who has created you. Wait. Have patience. Lean on him. And all best things will come to you…”

6) What makes your heart sing?
Oh so many things! I’m easily amused … though if I had to narrow it down, I’d say teaching Angelic Breath Healing. It’s my favorite thing in the world. It is so much fun sharing about the Archangels and Ascended Masters and then getting to hear about the life changing experiences each person has! I also love going to Guru Jagat’s kundalini yoga classes at Ra Ma Institute. I feel so at home there – Guru Jagat has created an Aquarian Age mecca and to me it’s heaven on earth.


One comment

  1. Deirdre says:

    Shiva, what a great article! I love Madeline’s Angelic Breath Work.

    Each time I attend the weekly Angelic Breath Healing classes, I always have a deep healing experience and I get the answers that I’m looking for.

    The last two classes were especially profound because my third eye was completely opened up, and I had extraordinary visions.

    Madeline has created a safe and sacred space for everyone to share what’s on their heart and in their soul. For this, I am truly grateful. xo

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